The Location, directions, access instructions, and safety information about the Petroleum Engineering Building 9A at the UH Technology Bridge can be found here.
Petroleum Engineering is one of the flagship programs at the UH Technology Bridge.
General Inquiries
Main Office
University of Houston
Cullen College of Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering
UH Technology Bridge
5000 Gulf Freeway Bldg 9, Room 219
Houston, TX 77204-0945
Phone: 713-743-6103
Google Map
UH Map & Driving Directions (includes parking information)
Program and Advising Inquiries
Anne Sturm
Petroleum Engineering Academic Advisor
Email: masturm [at] uh.edu (masturm[at]uh[dot]edu) (preferred)
Phone: 832-842-4848 (always followup with email)
Trina Johnson
Petroleum Engineering Academic Advisor
Email: tajohnson [at] uh.edu (tajohnson[at]uh[dot]edu)