Bachelor of Science (BS) in Petroleum Engineering (PETR)
The BS in PETR program at the University of Houston began accepting students in the Fall 2009 term. The curriculum is designed to cover the broad fundamentals and advanced topics of petroleum engineering including drilling, petrophysics, production, and reservoir engineering. In addition, broadening electives include geoscience, project management, and economics.
Curriculum Overview
The overall curriculum involves 127 semester credit hours. It is designed to enable students qualified to start in Calculus I to complete a BS in 4 years. The curriculum includes the core curriculum mandated by the State of Texas. Students must follow the degree plan in place upon admission to the University of Houston. All students should consult with the Academic Advisor for Petroleum Engineering to ensure their course selections meet the degree plan requirements.
Curriculum Details
Standards and Expectations
All PETR students are expected to meet all ethical standards of UH as described in the Student Handbook under “Academic Honesty”. In light of the high professional standards for ethical behavior required of all petroleum engineers, and in light of the potentially severe consequences to health, safety, and the environment of unethical behavior on the part of a petroleum engineer, severe consequences will result from any ethical breech by a PETR student, up to and including immediate expulsion from the program.
Cougars never, ever fail ethics exams.
In addition, of course, PETR students are expected to exceed certain minimum academic performance standards outlined here to remain in good academic standing. These provisions describe minimum performance, but of course, the petroleum industry is seeking high performance.
This page was last updated March 25, 2024.