
Hathon was senior research geologist for Shell International E & P, Inc. before she joined the UH Cullen College faculty. For more than two decades, her work has focused on routine and special core analysis, clastic petrology, reservoir quality analysis and predictive modeling, applications of image analysis to rock physics, organic petrography and thermal maturity analysis. Her experience has also included well-drilling operations and post-well appraisals.
Reservoir rock properties, petrography, modelling permeability and stress dependent compressibility, Micro-CT and FIB/SEM analyses of sandstones, liquid rich shale and unconventional gas reservoirs, experimental maturation studies of end member source rock types including characterization of physical properties pre- and post-test as well as imaging the evolution of matrix and organic matter pore systems, and developing protocols for upscaling physical properties from FIB to whole core, including multi scale, 3D-3D, and 2D-3D image registration.
Selected Publications
- Shahin, A., Myers, M.T., and Hathon, L.A., 2020 Geophysics V. 85 (3), D75-D82, Global Optimization to retrieve borehole-derived petrophysical properties of carbonates.
- Shahin, A., Myers, M.T., and Hathon, L.A., 2017. Carbonate Dual Physics Modeling Aimed at Seismic Reservoir Characterization, Journal Seismic Exploration, v. 26 (4), p. 331-349.
- Koroteev, D., Dinariev, O., Eseev, N., Klemin, D, Nadeev, A., Safonov, S., Guripinar, O., Berg, S., Van Krujsdijk, C., Armstrong, R., Myers, M.T., Hathon, L.A., DeJong, H., 2014, Direct Hydrodynamic Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Porous Rock, Petrophysics, v. 55 (4), p. 294-303.
- Taylor, T.R., Melvyn R. Giles, Lori A. Hathon, Timothy N. Diggs, Neil R. Braunsdorf, Gino V. Birbiglia, Mark G. Kittridge, Calum I. Macaulay, and Irene S. Espejo, 2010: Sandstone diagenesis and reservoir quality prediction: Models, myths, and reality: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin v. 94, p. 1093-1132.
- Taylor, T.R., Stancliffe, R., Macaulay, C.I., and Hathon, L.A., 2004, High temperature quartz cementation and the timing of hydrocarbon accumulation in the Jurassic Norphlet sandstone, offshore Gulf of Mexico, USA, in Cubitt, J.M., England, W.A., and Larter, S. (eds.) 2004. Understanding petroleum reservoirs: towards an integrated reservoir engineering and geochemical approach. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 237, p. 257-278
- Hathon, L.A., and Espejo, I.S., 1997, Detrital Modes of Tertiary Units in the Central Middle Magdalena Basin, Colombia, VI Bolivarian Symposium, Volume 1, p. 150-162, Cartagena, Colombia.
- Pittman, E.D., and Hathon, L.A., 1994, Material Balance Considerations for the Generation of Secondary Porosity by Organic Acids and Carbonic Acid Derived from Kerogen, Denver Basin, Colorado, USA. in Pittman, E.D., and Lewan, M.D., eds., Organic Acids in Geological Processes: Berlin, Springer-Verlag, p.115-137.
- Houseknecht, D.W., Bensley, D.F., Hathon, L.A., and Kastens, P.11., 1993, Rotational Reflectance Properties of Arkoma Basin Dispersed Vitrinite: Insights for Understanding Reflectance Populations in High Thermal Maturity Regions: Organic Geochemistry, v.20, no.2, pp. 187-196.
- Hathon, L.A., 1992, Burial Diagenesis of the Sespe Formation, Ventura Basin, California: Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, 267 p.
- Hathon, L.A., and Houseknecht, D.W., 1992, Origin and Diagenesis of Clay Minerals in the Oligocene Sespe Formation, Ventura Basin, in Origin, Diagenesis, and Petrophysics of Clay Minerals in Sandstones: SEPM Spec. Pub. no.47, pp.185-195.
- Houseknecht, D.W., Hathon L.A., and McGilvery, T.A., 1990, Thermal Maturity of Paleozoic Strata in the Arkoma Basin: in, Source Rocks in the Southern Mid-continent: Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular 93.
- Houseknecht, D.W., and Hathon, L.A., 1987, Petrographic Constraints on Models of Intergranular Pressure Solution in Quartzose Sandstones: Applied Geochemistry, v.2, nos. 5-6, pp.507-521.
- Tripathi, D.N., Hathon, L.A., 2018, Exporting Petrophysical Properties of Sandstones from Thin Section Image Analysis, SPWLA 59th Annual Logging Symposium.
- Hathon, L.A., Myers, M.T., Dixon, M., Hooghan, K., 2017, Multi-modal SEM Imaging for Shale Reservoir Characterization, Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (S1), p. 2116-2117.
- Kultaransingh Hooghan, Mike Dixon, and Lori A Hathon, 2014. “Protocol for finalizing locations for FIB/SEM cubes on shale samples: general guidelines with upscaling in mind”, URTEC 2014, paper 1922784.
- Kultaransingh Hooghan, Mike Dixon, and Lori A Hathon, 2014. “How low can you go when imaging shales?”. SPE Workshop, Kyoto Japan
- Koroteev, D.A., Dinariev, O., Evseev, N., Klemin, D.V., Safonov, S., Gurpinar, O.M., Berg, S., Van Kruijsdijk, C., Myers, M.T., Hathon, L.A., De Jong, H., Armstrong, R., 2013, Application of Digital Rock Technology for Chemical EOR Screening, SPE Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference.
- Hathon. Lori, and Myers, Michael T., 2012. “Shale Rock Properties: Peak Strength, Acoustic Anisotropy and Rock Fabric”. ARMA 12-553.46th US Rock Mechanics Symposium, Chicago, 26-29 June 2012
- Myers, M.T. and Hathon, Lori A., 2012. “Staged Differential Effective Medium (SDEM) Models for Modeling the Influence of Vugs on Acoustic Velocity”. ARMA 12-553. 46th US Rock Mechanics Symposium, Chicago, 26-29 June 2012
- Hathon, Lori A., and Myers, Michael T., 2011. “Prediction of Acoustic Properties from 2D digital images: Measurements, Sample Characterization and Modeling” SPE Workshop. From Image to Insight: How Can We Leverage Pore-Scale Observations Through Rock Physics Models - Invited Talk
- Myers, Michael T., and Hathon, Lori. A., 2011 “Prediction of Rock Properties in the GOM”, ARMA 11-353. 45th US Rock Mechanics Symposium, San Francisco, 26-29 June 2011. – Invited Talk
- Hathon, Lori A., and Myers, Michael T., 2011 “A Survey of the Production Time-Scale Compaction Behavior of Unconsolidated Sands”, ARMA 11-229. 45th US Rock Mechanics Symposium, San Francisco, 26-29 June
- Hathon, L.A., and Myers, Michael T., 2010 “Observations of Intrinsic Anisotropy in Varied Geologic Settings” AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11-14 April 2010
- Myers, Michael T., and Hathon, Lori A., 2010 “Application of Staged Effective Medium Models for the Prediction of Velocities” AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition-11-14 April 2010
- Holger Averdunk, Jill Middleton, Adrian Sheppard, Christoph Arns, Mark Knackstedt, Michael Myers, and Lori Hathon. 2008. “3-D Imaging and Analysis of Grain Compaction” AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio Texas
- Myers, Michael T., and Hathon, Lori A., 2006. “Understanding the Stress Dependence of Velocity in Unconsolidated Sands” 2006 AAPG
- Hathon, Lori A., Myers, Michael T., and Espejo, Irene S., 2005. “Production and Geologic Time-Scale Compaction in Rigid Grain-Rich and Ductile Grain-Rich Sands” AAPG International Conference. September 11-14, 2005.
- Hathon, L.A., Myers, M.T., and Hopkins, D.S., 2004, Textural and Mineralogic Controls on Mechanical Compaction of Sands on Geologic and Production Time Scales I: Comparative Compaction Studies in Natural Sands and Artificial Sand Packs: IGC Program with Abstracts, p.7
- Myers, M.T., Espejo, I.S., Hathon, L.A., and Taylor, T.R. 2004, Textural and Mineralogic Controls on Mechanical Compaction of Sands on Geologic and Production Time Scales II: Influence of Small Volumes of Cement: IGC Program with Abstracts, p.
- Lander, R.H., Espejo, I.S., Larese, R.L., Bonnell, L., Hathon, L.A., and Taylor, T.R., 2004, Dissolution or Growth? Origin of Quartz Textures in Thermally Immature Sandstones: IGC Programs with Abstracts, p.
- Hathon, L.A., Rambow, F.H.K., Taylor, T.R., Myers, M.T., Sun, N., and Fanning, D., 2003, Rock Properties from 2D Images: Computer Assisted Petrography, AAPG International Programs with Abstracts, p.
- Klein, B., Hathon, L.A., and Brewster, C., 1998, Petrography and Geochemistry of the Matagorda Island 519 Field, Offshore Texas, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 48, p. 547-558.
- Hathon, L.A., and Houseknecht, D. W., 1996, Diagenetic Mineral Assemblage Prediction of Reservoir Burial History: AAPG Program with Abstracts, Volume 5, p. A63.
- Burtner, R.L., and Hathon L. A., 1996, K/Ar Dating of Authigenic Illite Constrains the Time of Diagenesis and Brine Migration in the Weber Sandstone of the Uinta-Piceance Basin, Colorado and Utah: AAPG Program with Abstracts, Volume 5, p. A21-A22.
- Hathon, L.A., and Houseknecht, D.W., 1991, Porosity Reduction in Sandstones Induced by Mechanical Compaction: Cathodoluminescence Evaluation, AAPG Bulletin, v.75, no.3, pp.590-591.
- Hathon, L.A., and Houseknecht, D.W., 1990, Thermal Maturity of Atokan and Desmoinesian Strata in the Arkoma Basin: Constraints on Thermal History of South-Central North America, in
- Hathon, L.A., and Houseknecht, D.W., 1990, Grain-Cement Relationships, Sespe Sandstone, Ventura Basin: AAPG Bulletin, v.74, no.5, p.672.
- Houseknecht, D.W., and L.A. Hathon, 1989, Preservation of Sandstone Reservoir Quality and Methane Reserves in Over mature Strata of Arkoma Basin: AAPG Bulletin, v.73, no.9, p.1160.
- Houseknecht, D.W., Hathon, L.A., and Parman, L., 1989, Thermal Maturity of Carboniferous Strata in the Ouachita Mountains, Arkoma Basin, and Ozark Dome, GSA Abstracts with Programs, v.21, no.6, p. A4.
- Hathon, L.A., and Houseknecht, D.W., 1987, Hydrocarbons in an Over mature Basin: Pt. 1: Thermal Maturity of Atoka and Hartshorne Formations, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma and Arkansas: AAPG Bulletin, v.71, no.8, pp.993-994.
- Houseknecht, D.W., and Hathon, L.A., 1987, Hydrocarbons in an Overmature Basin: Pt. 2: Is There a Thermal Maturity Limit to Methane Production In Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma and Arkansas?: AAPG Bulletin, v.71, no.8, p.994.
- Dande, S., Stewart, R.R., Myers, M.T., Hathon, L.A., and Dyaur, N., 2019. Elastic Properties of Propped and Unpropped Eagle Ford Shale and 3D-printed Fractured Models Under Iso-static Stress, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
- Bilal, A., Myers, M.T., Hathon, L.A., 2016, An Investigation of Static and Dynamic Data Using Multi-Stage Triaxial Tests, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, p. 3483-3486.
- Shahin, A., Myers, M.T., and Hathon, L.A., 2016, Multiphysics Modeling of Carbonates Calibrated with NMR and Micro-CT, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, p. 3246-3250.
- Taylor, T.R., Giles, M.R., Hathon, L.A., Birbiglia, G.V., Kittridge, M.G., Braunsdorf, N.R., 2011, Thermal Anomalies Near Salt – A Porosity Preservation Window, GCAGS Transactions, p. 451-462.
- Hathon, L.A., Myers, M.T., 2011, A Survey of the Production Time-Scale Compaction Behavior of Unconsolidated Sands, GCAGS Transactions, p. 201-210.
- Kittridge, M.G., Taylor, T.R., Braunsdorf, N.R., Hathon, L.A., Bryndzia, L.T., 2004, Seismic Petrophysics for Clean Sandstones – Integrated Interrogation of Lab-and-Well-Based Data for Improved Rock Physics Modeling, SEG Technical Program Extended Abstracts, 1750-1753.
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