
Reservoir Engineering
Energy Transition
Geothermal Energy
Reservoir Characterization
Production Optimization
Reservoir Simulation
Water Management
CarbonSAFE II - Omnia Permian Basin Sequestration: DOE CarbonSAFE Phase II Project - 2024-2027.
CarbonSAFE III - Four Corners Carbon Storage Hub: DOE CarbonSAFE Phase III Project - 2024-2027.
RITAP – Regional Initiative for Technical Assistance Partnerships – Permian Basin to Advance Deployment of Basin-Scale CCS & Community Engagement - Funded DOE Project - 2025-2028
RITAP – Regional Initiative for Technical Assistance Partnerships – Gulf of Mexico Basin Opportunities (GuMBO) – Funded DOE Project - 2025-2028
Enhanced Gas Recovery for Blue Hydrogen (EGRBH) Generation - Center for Carbon Management in Energy - 2022 - 2024.
Carbon Capture and Storage in Depleted Gas Fields along the Gulf of Mexico Coast - Center for Carbon Management in Energy - 2020 - 2022.
Blue hydrogen generation, distribution and storage
Carbon sequestration in saline aquifers
Polymer and silicate gels for subsurface fluid flow profile modification
Flow of non-Newtonian fluids through porous media
- Research Professor - Energy Transition Institute (ETI) - Division of Energy & Innovation - UH Energy
- Research Professor - Center for Carbon Management in Energy (CCME) - Division of Energy & Innovation - UH Energy
Selected Publications
- Li, Z., Hatzignatiou, D.G. and Ehlig-Economides, C.: "Carbon Neutral Economic Viability of Enhanced CO2 Storage and Gas Recovery in Natural Gas Reservoirs Under Strong Bottom Water Drive." Paper SPE-225593-MS to be presented at the 2025 SPE Europe Energy Conference & Exhibition, Vienna, Austria (10-12 June 2025).
- Donaire, A.M. and Hatzignatiou, D.G. "The Future of Hydrogen in Spain: A Monte Carlo Probabilistic Cost Analysis," Paper submitted for journal publication.
- Yan, G., Andersen, P.Ø, Qiao, Y., Hatzignatiou, D.G., Feng, B., and Kohl, T.: "Investigating the Impact of Wellbore Lateral Heat Transfer on the Performance of High-Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System by the Coupling of Wellbore and Reservoir Simulators." Paper submitted for journal publication.
- Aruah, B., Seema, A., Hatzignatiou, D.G., and Sakhaee-Pour, A.: "Prediction of CO2 Breakthrough Pressure Through a Shale Caprock Formation – A Machine Learning Approach." Paper under review for Journal publication.
- Mukhtar, M., Hatzignatiou, D.G., and Ehlig-Economides, C.: “Extended Aquifer System Pressure Behavior Under Carbon Storage,” SPE 214868-PA. SPE J. Journal (June 2024). ). https://doi.org/10.2118/214868-PA.
- Yan, G., Andersen, P.Ø, Qiao, Y., Hatzignatiou, D.G., Nitschke, F., Spitzmüller, L., and Kohl, T.: "Simulation of Temperature-Reporting Nanoparticle Tracers for Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs Characterization." European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, June 2024. https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.202410850.
- Aruah, B., Sakhaee-Pour, A., and Hatzignatiou, D.G.: "Alteration of pore structure and effects on critical properties of shale formations undergone cryogenic thermal shock." Geoenergy Science and Engineering. June 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoen.2024.213002.
- Yan, G., Andersen, P.Ø, Qiao, Y., Hatzignatiou, D.G., Nitschke, F., Spitzmüller, L., and Kohl, T.: "Numerical modeling of temperature-reporting nanoparticle tracer for fractured geothermal reservoir characterization." Geoenergy Science and Engineering, March 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoen.2024.212787.
- Aruah, B., Sakhaee-Pour, A., Hatzignatiou, D.G., Sadooni, F., and Al-Kuwari, H.: "Altering Shale Permeability by Cold Shock." Gas Science and Engineering, March 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jgsce.2024.205291.
- Li, Z., Hatzignatiou, D.G., and Ehlig-Economides, C.: "Carbon Dioxide Storage in a Natural Gas Reservoir under Strong Bottom Water Drive." SPE-CCUS-2024-4012897. SPE-AAPG-SEG CCUS Conference, March 11-13, 2024, Houston TX, USA. https://doi.org/10.15530/ccus-2024-4012897.
- Qiao, Y. and Hatzignatiou, D.G.: "Analytical Solution for Chemical Fluid Injection into Linear Heterogeneous Porous Media Based on the Method of Characteristics." Chemical Engineering Science (2023). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S000925092300893X?dgcid=author.
- Mukhtar, M., Hatzignatiou, D.G., and Ehlig-Economides, C.: “Extended Aquifer System Pressure Behavior Under Carbon Storage,” SPE 214868-MS, SPE ATCE, San Antonio TX, Oct. 16-18, 2023. https://doi-org.ezproxy.lib.uh.edu/10.2118/214868-MS.
- Ehlig-Economides, C. and Hatzignatiou, D.G., "Energy Analysis of Low Carbon Hydrogen from Methane and End Use Implications", Energy & Fuels, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.2c01258.
- Hatzignatiou, D.G. and Ehlig-Economides, C.: "Coupled Enhanced Natural Gas Recovery and Blue Hydrogen (EGRBH) Generation," paper SPE-210356-MS, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), Houston, TX, Oct. 3 - 5, 2022. https://doi.org/10.2118/210356-MS.
- Song, W. and Hatzignatiou, D.G.: "On the Reduction of the Residual Oil Saturation through the Injection of Polymer and Nanoparticle Solutions," Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208, Part B, 109430 (Jan. 2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2021.109430
- Ehlig-Economides, C. and Hatzignatiou, D.G., "Blue Hydrogen Economy - A New Look at an Old Idea," paper SPE-206282-MS, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), Dubai, UAE, Sept. 21 - 23, 2021. https://doi.org/10.2118/206282-MS
- Askarinezhad, R., Hatzignatiou, D.G., and Stavland, A.: "Associative Polymers for Disproportionate Permeability Reduction – Formation Wettability Effects," PETROL 109060, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (June 8, 2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2021.109060 or https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1dFPv3HHl69lHA
- Zhou, Y., Hatzignatiou, D.G., Helland, J.O., Zhao, Y, and Cai, J. "Pore-Scale Modelling of Three-Phase Capillary Pressure Curves Directly in Uniformly Wet Rock Images". Geofluids, 2021 (6622079), 1-15, Jan. 6, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6622079
- Hatzignatiou, D.G.: "Sweep Improvements: Mobility and Conformance Control," Chalk Monograph, Chapter 20, 305 - 324 (September 2019).
- Olsen, H., Hatzignatiou, D.G., and Jørgensen, O.: "Reservoir Modeling in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Formations," Chalk Monograph, Chapter 13, 193 - 212 (September 2019).
- Hatzignatiou, D.G., Giske, N.H., and Stavland, A.: "Polymer and Polymer-Based Gelants for Improved Oil Recovery and Water Control Applications in Naturally Fractured Chalk Formations," Chemical Engineering Sciences, 187, 302 – 317, September 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2018.04.064.
- Hatzignatiou, D.G. and Giske, N.H.: "Water-Soluble Sodium Silicate Gelants for Water Management in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs," Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 132, 40-56, March 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2017.11.041.
- Askarinezhad, R., Hatzignatiou, D.G., and Stavland, A.: "Core-Based Evaluation of Associative Polymers as Enhanced Oil Recovery Agents in Oil-Wet Formations," ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 140 (3), 032915-1 – 032915-9, JERT-17-1418, 2018. doi:10.1115/1.4038848. http://energyresources.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/article.aspx?articleid=2668240.
- Hatzignatiou, D.G., Giske, N.H., and Strand, D.: “Water-Soluble Silicate Gelants: Comparison and Screening for Conformance Control in Carbonate Naturally Fractured Reservoirs,” Journal of Non Crystalline Solids, 479 (1), 72-81, January 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2017.10.024.
- Zhou, Y., Hatzignatiou, D.G., and Helland, J.O. “On the Estimation of CO2 Capillary Entry Pressure: Implications on Geological CO2 Storage.” Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 63, 26-36, August (2017). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijggc.2017.04.013.
- Askarinezhad, R., Hatzignatiou, D.G., and Stavland, A.: "Disproportionate Permeability Reduction of Water-Soluble Silicate Gelants - Importance of Formation Wettability," SPE 179589-MS, SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, Tulsa Oklahoma, April 9-13, 2016; SPE 179589-PA, SPE Production and Operations, 32 (03), 362-373, Aug. 2017. DOI: 10.2118/179589-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/179589-PA.
- Askarinezhad, R., Hatzignatiou, D.G., and Stavland, A.: "Associative Polymers as Enhanced Oil Recovery Agents in Oil-Wet Formations: A Laboratory Approach," EAGE paper, IOR NORWAY 2017 - 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Stavanger, Norway, 24-27 Apr., 2017. https://www.earthdoc.org/content/papers/10.3997/2214-4609.201700275
- Askarinezhad, R. and Hatzignatiou, D.G..: "Improved Disproportionate Permeability Reduction of Silicate-Gelant Treatments: A Laboratory Scale Approach," SPE 184563-MS, SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, Montgomery, Texas, USA, 3-5 Apr., 2017. https://doi.org/10.2118/184563-MS.
- Jolma, I.W., Strand, D., Stavland, A., Fjelde, I. and Hatzignatiou, D.G., "When Size Matters - Polymer Injectivity in Chalk Matrix," IOR 2017 - 19th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Stavanger, Norway, 24-27 Apr., 2017. https://www.earthdoc.org/content/papers/10.3997/2214-4609.201700362.
- Zhou, Y., Helland, J.O., Hatzignatiou, D.G., Ashan, R., and Hiorth, A.: "Experimental Validation of a Pore-Scale Derived Dimensionless Capillary Pressure Function for Imbibition Under Mixed-Wet Conditions," SPE 180088-MS, SPE/EAGE EUROPEC meeting, Vienna, Austria, 30 May - 2 June 2016. Paper SPE 180088-PA, SPE Journal, 22 (5), 1338 – 1348, February 2017. DOI: 10.2118/180088-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/180088-PA.
- Pham, L.T. and Hatzignatiou, D.G.: “Rheological Evaluation of Sodium Silicate Gel for Water Management in Mature, Naturally-Fractured Oilfields,” J. of Pet. Sci. & Eng., 138, 218-233 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2015.11.039.
- Hatzignatiou, D.G., Askarinezhad, R., Giske, N.H., and Stavland, A.: “Laboratory Testing of Environmentally Friendly Chemicals for Water Management," SPE-173853-MS, SPE Bergen One Day Seminar (April 22, 2015). Paper SPE-173853-PA SPE Production & Operations, 31 (04), 1930-1855, November 2016. DOI: 10.2118/173853-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/173853-PA.
- Askarinezhad, R. and Hatzignatiou, D.G.: "Water-Soluble Silicate Gelants for Disproportionate Permeability Reduction: Importance of Formation Wetting and Treatment Conditions," SCA 2016-071, International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Snow Mass, Colorado, USA, 21-26 August 2016. http://www.jgmaas.com/SCA/2016/SCA2016-071.pdf.
- Hatzignatiou, D.G. and Giske, N.H.: "Water-Soluble Sodium Silicate Gelants for Water Management in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs," SPE 180128-MS, SPE/EAGE EUROPEC Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, 30 May - 2 June 2016. https://doi.org/10.2118/180128-MS.
- Hatzignatiou, D.G., Giske, N.H., and Stavland, A.: "Polymer and Polymer-Based Gelants for Improved Oil Recovery and Water Control Applications in Naturally Fractured Chalk Formations," SPE 180024-MS, SPE Bergen One Day Seminar, Bergen, Norway, 20 April 2016. https://doi.org/10.2118/180024-MS.
- Hatzignatiou, D.G., Moradi, H., and Stavland, A.: “Polymer Flow through Water- and Oil-Wet Porous Media,” Journal of Hydrodynamics, 27 (5), 748-762 (2015). DOI: 10.1016/S1001-6058(15)60537-6. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1001-6058(15)60537-6.
- Havlova, V., Hladik, V., Hatzignatiou, D.G., and Francu, J.: “REPP-CO2: Static and Dynamic Laboratory Experiments with scCO2,” Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, Czech Republic (Aug. 16-21, 2015).
- Zhou, Y., Helland, J.O. and Hatzignatiou, D.G.: Computation of Three-Phase Capillary Pressure Curves and Fluid Configurations at Mixed-wet Conditions in 2D Rock Images,” SPE 170883, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oct. 27-29, 2014. Paper SPE 170883-PA, SPE Journal. 21 (01), 152-169 (February 2016). DOI: 10.2118/170883-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/170883-PA.
- Zhou, Y., Helland, J.O. and Hatzignatiou, D.G.: “Computation of Three-Phase Capillary Entry Pressures and Arc Menisci Configurations in Pore Geometries from 2D Rock Images: A Combinatorial Approach,” Advances in Water Resources, 69, July 2014, 49-64. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.03.006. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.03.006.
- Manceau, J.-C., Hatzignatiou, D.G., De Lary, L., Jensen, N.B., and Révéillère, A. “Mitigation and remediation technologies and practices in undesired migration of CO2 from a geological storage unit - Current status,” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 22, 272–290 (2014); http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijggc.2014.01.007.
- Hatzignatiou, D.G., Helleren, J., and Stavland, A.: “Numerical Evaluation of Dynamic Core/Scale Experiments of Silicate Gels for Fluid Diversion and Flow-Zone Isolation,” SPE 170240-PA, SPE Production & Operations Journal, 29 (2), 122 – 138 (May 2014). DOI:10.2118/170240-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/170240-PA.
- Zhou, Y., Helland, J.O. and Hatzignatiou, D.G. “On the Dependence of Capillary Entry Pressure on Subsurface Depth in Geological CO2 Storage,” Fourth EAGE CO2 Storage Workshop, Stavanger, Norway (April 23-25, 2014). https://www.earthdoc.org/content/papers/10.3997/2214-4609.20140074.
- Hatzignatiou, D.G., and Fjelde, I.; “Mature Oilfields Screening for CO2 EOR Utilization and Storage: A Case Study,” Fourth EAGE CO2 Storage Workshop, Stavanger, Norway (April 22-24, 2014). https://www.earthdoc.org/content/papers/10.3997/2214-4609.20140090.
- Hatzignatiou, D.G., Stavland, A., Khairil, R.R., and D. Wessel-Berg: “Foam Core Flooding: An Experimental and Numerical Modeling Approach,” paper accepted for publication (2014).
- Valestrand, R., Khrulenko A., and Hatzignatiou, D.G.: “Smart Wells for Improved Water Management in the Presence of Geological Uncertainty,” SPE 169223, SPE Bergen One Day Seminar Meeting, Bergen Norway (April 2, 2014). https://doi.org/10.2118/169223-MS.
- Silin, D., Ajo-Franklin, J., Helland, J.O., Jettestuen, E., and Hatzignatiou D.G.: Pore-Scale Study of the Impact of Fracture and Wettability on Two-Phase Flow Properties of Rock," LBNL Paper LBNL-5810E, April 21, 2014. http://escholarship.org/uc/item/5bn168r4
- Korre A., Delprat-Jannaud F., Welkenhuysen K., Piessens K., Falus G., Vähäkuopus T., Poulsen N., Wickström L., Alexandra D., Vincent C. J., Car M., Wójcicki A., Arts R., Vit H., Martinez R., Komatina S., Akervoll I., Brüstle A. K., Götzl G., Brikmane B., Hatzignatiou D.G., State-of-the-art of directives and regulatory regimes related to CO2 storage operational and safety risks. CGS Europe report No. D3.5, Korre, A. and Delprat-Jannaud F. (Eds.), January 2014, 115p. http://repository.cgseurope.net/eng/cgseurope/knowledge-repository/key-reports/operational.aspx.
- Hatzignatiou, D.G., Norris, U.L., and Stavland, A.: “Core-Scale Simulation of Polymer Flow through Porous Media,” J. of Pet. Sci. & Eng., 108, 137-150 (August 2013); doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2013.01.001. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2013.01.001.
- Hatzignatiou, D.G., Moradi, H., and Stavland, A.: “Experimental Investigation of Polymer Flow through Water- and Oil-Wet Berea Sandstone Core Samples,” SPE 164844, SPE EUROPEC and EAGE Annual Meeting, London UK, June 10-13 (2013). https://doi.org/10.2118/164844-MS.
- Zhou, Y., Helland, J.O., and Hatzignatiou, D.G.: “Simulation of Three Phase Capillary Pressure Curves Directly in 2D Rock Images,” IPTC 16547, SPE IPTC Conference, Beijing China, March 26-28 (2013). https://doi.org/10.2523/IPTC-16547-MS.
- Jean-Charles Manceau, Dimitrios G. Hatzignatiou, Louis De Lary, Niels Bo Jensen, Kristin Flornes, Thomas Le Guénan, Arnaud Réveillère: Methodologies and Technologies for Mitigation of Undesired CO2 Migration in the Subsurface. Trondheim CCS Conference, Trondheim, Norway (June 4-6, 2013) http://programme.exordo.com/tccs-7/.
- Zhou, Y., Helland, J.O., and Hatzignatiou, D.G. “A Dimensionless Capillary Pressure Function for Imbibition Derived from Pore-Scale Modeling in Mixed-Wet Rock Images,” SPE-154129-PA, SPE Journal, 18 (2), 296-308 (December 2012). DOI: 10.2118/154129-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/154129-PA.
- Zhou, Y., Helland, J.O., and Hatzignatiou, D.G. “Pore-Scale Modeling of Water Flooding in Mixed-Wet Rock Images: Effects of Initial Saturation and Wettability,” SPE 154284, 2012 SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA (Apr. 14-18); SPE Journal. SPE-154284-PA. DOI: 10.2118/154284-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/154129-PA.
- Permata, P. and Hatzignatiou, D.G.: “Revitalizing Small Offshore Oil Assets – Field Redevelopment Feasibility Study,” J. of Pet. Sci. & Eng., 76, 3-4, 155–171 (March 2011); doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2011.01.007. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2011.01.007.
- Hatzignatiou, D.G., Riis, F., Berenblyum, R., Hladik, V., Lojka, R., and Francu, J.: “Screening and Evaluation of a Saline Aquifer for CO2 Geological Storage – Central Bohemian Basin, Czech Republic,” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 5 (6), 1429-1442 (November 2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2011.07.013. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijggc.2011.07.013.
- Zhou, Y., Helland, J.O., and Hatzignatiou, D.G. “A model for imbibition in pore spaces from 2D Rock Images,” paper and poster presentation, International Conference on Flows and Mechanics in Natural Porous Media from Pore to Field Scale – Pore2Field, IFP Energies Nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison, France (Nov. 16-18, 2011). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266343874...
- Hladik, V., Hatzignatiou, D.G., Riis, F., Berenblyum, R., Gerslova, E., Francu, J., Lojka, R., Kolejka, V., and Gersl, M.: “Central Bohemian Basin as a Potential Carbon Dioxide Storage Site,” Reports on Geological Research in 2010, Czech Geological Survey, Prague, Czech Republic, 247-252 (2011) — In Czech.
- Helland, J.O., Jettestuen, E., Hatzignatiou, D.G., and Silin, D. "Three-Dimensional Level Set Modelling of Capillary-Controlled Displacements in Digital Porous Media," 2011 American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, Dec. 5-9.
- Julie Lions, Ian Gale, Erik Nygaard, Heike Rütters, Franz May, Wolfram Kloppmann, Stanley Beaubien, Mehran Sohrabi, Dimitrios G. Hatzignatiou, Ludmilla Basava-Reddi.: "Potential Impacts on Groundwater Resources of Deep CO2 Storage," Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-7087-5, (2011).
- Hatzignatiou, D.G. et al.: “Formation Damage and Well Productivity Simulation,” SPE 122241, 2009 European Formation Damage Conference, Scheveningen, The Netherlands (May 27-29); SPE Journal, 15 (3), 751-769, September (2010). DOI: 10.2118/122241-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/122241-PA.
- Hatzignatiou, D.G. et al.: "A Field Laboratory for Monitoring CO2 Leakage," Energy Procedia, Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Science Direct, Elsevier, 1 (1), 2397-2404 (February 2009). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2009.01.312.
Post-Doctoral Fellow Position 1: One post-doctoral fellow position is available starting early 2024 to be engaged in DOE funded CarbonSAFE projects. The sought candidate must have strong laboratory experimental focus coupled with expertise in modeling of physical processes. Candidates should have at least one degree in Petroleum Engineering with a PhD degree in Petroleum, Chemical or related Engineering disciplines. Interested candidates, please email me directly and when applying for the position, please include your recent CV, documentation of research work published in the open literature and PhD dissertation, statement of your previous laboratory experience, and a statement of your research plans. The post-doctoral fellow is expected to oversee and direct the research work of PhD students working on the same or similar projects.
Post-Doctoral Fellow Position 2: A second post-doctoral fellow position is available starting February 2024 pending on the approval of research funds. The sought candidate must have strong modeling and simulation expertise coupled with writing Python codes to be integrated in existing commercial reservoir simulation models. Candidates should have at least one degree in Petroleum Engineering with a PhD degree in Petroleum, Chemical Engineering, Mathematical or Computer Science disciplines. Interested candidates, please email me directly and when applying for the position, please include your recent CV, documentation of research work published in the open literature and PhD dissertation, statement of your previous simulation/modeling experience, and a statement of your research plans.
PhD Students: Positions in funded research projects are available for students holding an MSc degree in Petroleum Engineering. Interested candidates with credentials well-above the minimum requirements for acceptance to the Petroleum Engineering PhD program are strongly encouraged to apply. Positions with laboratory and modeling expertise are available.
- Muhammad Haseeb Mukhtar (2025) - Dr. Ehlig-Economides Co-Advisor
- Zhiyuan Li (2025) - Dr. Ehlig-Economides Co-Advisor
- Brendan Aruah (Graduated Summer 2024) - Dr. Sakhaee Pour Co-Advisor
- Sri Ranga Naga Sai Gohith Gumma (2025)
- Himanshu Shekhar Jha (2016)
- Trevor Eustaquio - Spring 2022 PURS (2022)
- Vinh Le - Fall 2021 PURS (2021)
- Jake Pakula - Summer 2021 SURF (2022)
- 2nd Place SPE Regional Student Paper Contest
- Colin Copeland - Summer 2021 SURF (2022)
- Randy Jordan - Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022 Research Program (2022)
- Jake Pakula - Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022 Research Program (2022)
- Nhung Nguyen - Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 Research Program (2021)
- 1st Place UH SPE Student Paper Contest
- Makpal Sariyeva - Fall 2019 PURS & Spring 2020 Research Program (2020)
- 1st Place SPE Regional Student Paper Contest
- 1st Place SPWLA International Student Paper Contest
- 1st Place UH SPE UG Student Paper Contest
- 2nd Place in the Combined BSc, MSc and PhD Division at the 2020 Congress of the SPE WIN
- Participated at the SPE International US Student Competition
- Mohammed Al-Taher - Summer 2019 & Fall 2019 Research Program (2019)
- Christopher Acosta - Summer 2018 SURF (2019)
- Sami Khan - Spring 2018 Research Program (2019)
- Mark Henry Atwood - Spring 2018 PURS (2019)
- Maryam Akbari - Summer 2017 SURF (2018)
- Yilhak Abebe - Summer 2017 SURF (2018)
- Kelsey Jones - Spring 2017 Research Program
- Rachel Hur (2018)
- Alfonso Moreno Donaire - MSc (2023-2024) - University of Navarra, Spain
- Michael Essei Bangolam - MSc (2018-2020) - African University of Science and Technology, Nigeria
- Reza Askarinezhad - PhD (2016-2018) - University of Stavanger, Norway
* (Expected) Graduation Year