
Guan Qin
Professor Gulf Coast Section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Endowed College Professor
Office Location ERP/Technology Bridge, Bldg. 9, Room 157
Phone 713-743-5485
Email gqin2 [at] central.uh.edu
Ph.D., University of Wyoming
Petroleum Production Economics (PETR 3310)
Petroleum Graduate Seminar (PETR 6111)
Advanced Numerical Analyses (PETR 7304)
Research Interests
Multi-scale and multi-physics numerical modeling of coupled reactive transport subsurface processes
- Molecular simulation
- Lattice Boltzmann (LB) methods and simulation
- Finite element/finite difference methods
- Upscaling processes
One example — Permeability estimation for shales (SPE 181689)
Selected Publications
- Ning, Yang, Jin, Bikai, Liang, Yu et al. 2019. Pore-Scale Modeling and Simulation in Shale Gas Formations. In Petrophysical Characterization and Fluids Transport in Unconventional Reservoirs, 217-246. Elsevier.
- Ning, Yang, Wei, Chenji, and Qin, Guan. 2019. A unified grayscale lattice Boltzmann model for multiphase fluid flow in vuggy carbonates. Advances in water resources 124: 68-83.
- Ning, Yang, Zhang, Kaiyi, He, Shuai et al. 2019. Numerical modeling of gas transport in shales to estimate rock and fluid properties based on multiscale digital rocks. Energy Procedia 158: 6093-6098.
- Zhang, Kaiyi, Jiang, Hao, and Qin, Guan. 2019. Utilization of zeolite as a potential multi-functional proppant for CO2 enhanced shale gas recovery and CO2 sequestration: A molecular simulation study on the competitive adsorption of CH4 and CO2 in zeolite and organic matter. Fuel 249: 119-129.
- Zhang, Kaiyi and Qin, Guan. 2019. Mechanistic and Kinetic Study of CO 2-CH 4 Exchange Process in Methane Hydrates Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Proc., SPE Europec featured at 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition.
- Li, Zhuoran, Chen, Tianluo, Ning, Yang et al. 2019. Numerical Simulation of Waterflooding Process using Lattice Boltzmann Method to Estimate Relative Permeability for Fractured Unconventional Reservoirs. Proc., SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference.
- Chen, Tianluo, Ning, Yang, Amritkar, Amit et al. 2018. Multi‐GPU solution to the lattice Boltzmann method: An application in multiscale digital rock simulation for shale formation. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 30 (19): e4530.
- Qin, Jiazheng, Cheng, Shiqing, He, Youwei et al. 2018. A novel well-testing model to analyze production distribution of multi-stage fractured horizontal well. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 59: 237-249.
- Zhao, Meng, He, Shuai, Wang, Hong et al. 2018. An integrated fractional partial differential equation and molecular dynamics model of anomalously diffusive transport in heterogeneous nano-pore structures. Journal of Computational Physics 373: 1000-1012.
- Tran, H., and Sakhaee-Pour, A. (2018). Critical Properties (Tc, Pc) of shale gas. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127, 579–588.
- Li, W., and Sakhaee-Pour, A. (2018). Two-scale geomechanics of carbonates. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51(12), 3667–3679.
- Yu, C., Tran, H., and Sakhaee-Pour, A. (2018). Pore size of shale based on acyclic pore model. Transport in Porous Media, 124, 345–368.
- Tran, H., Sakhaee-Pour, A., and Bryant. S. (2018). A simple relation for estimating shale permeability. Transport in Porous Media, 124, 883–901.
- Sakhaee-Pour, A., and Agrawal, A. (2018). Predicting breakdown pressure and breakdown cycle in cyclic fracturing. SPE Production & Operations, 33(04), 761–769.
- Tran, H., and Sakhaee-Pour, A. (2018). Slippage in shale based on acyclic pore model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 126, 761–772.
- Sakhaee-Pour, A., and Agrawal, A. (2018). Integrating acoustic emission into percolation theory to predict permeability enhancement. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 160, 152–159.
- Gong, Bin, Thakur, Ganesh, Qin, Guan et al. 2017. Application of multi-level and high-resolution fracture modeling in field-scale reservoir simulation study. Proc., SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition.
- He, Shuai, Palmer, Jeremy C, and Qin, Guan. 2017. A non-equilibrium molecular dynamics study of methane transport in clay nano-pores. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 249: 88-96.
- Luo, Le, Cheng, Shiqing, Yu, Haiyang et al. 2017. A Novel Well Testing Method for Characterization of Non-Darcy Flow Behavior in Low Permeability Reservoirs. Proc., SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
- Ning, Yang, He, Shuai, and Qin, Guan. 2017. An Integrated Workflow to Predict Macro-scale Transport Properties in Gas Shales by Coupling Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Lattice Boltzmann Method. Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (S1): 2126-2127.
- Qin, Jiazheng, Cheng, Shiqing, He, Youwei et al. 2017. Estimation of non-uniform production rate distribution of multi-fractured horizontal well through pressure transient analysis: model and case study. Proc., SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
- Yuan, Tao, Ning, Yang, and Qin, Guan. 2017. Numerical Modeling of Mineral Dissolution of Carbonate Rocks During Geological Co2 Sequestration Processes. Proc., SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition.
- He, Shuai, Ning, Yang, Chen, Tianluo et al. 2016a. Estimation of transport diffusivity of natural gas in organic matter using molecular dynamics simulation. Proc., SPE Low Perm Symposium.
- He, Shuai, Ning, Yang, Chen, Tianluo et al. 2016b. Transport Properties of Natural Gas in Shale Organic and Inorganic Nanopores Using Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Proc., International Petroleum Technology Conference.
- Ning*, Yang, He, Shuai, Qin, Guan et al. 2016. Upscaling in numerical simulation of shale transport properties by coupling molecular dynamics simulation with lattice Boltzmann method. Proc., Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 1-3 August 20161706-1717
- Ning, Yang, He, Shuai, Liu, Honglin et al. 2016a. Permeability prediction considering surface diffusion for gas shales by lattice Boltzmann simulations on multi-scale reconstructed digital rocks. Proc., International Petroleum Technology Conference.
- Ning, Yang, He, Shuai, Liu, Honglin et al. 2016b. A rigorous upscaling procedure to predict macro-scale transport properties of natural gas in shales by coupling molecular dynamics with lattice Boltzmann method. Proc., SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition
Current Students
- Bingwen Deng
- Zhuoran Li
- Kaiyi Zhang
Previous Students