
Mohamed Soliman
William C. Miller Endowed Professor
Office Location UH-ERP Building 9 Room 219B
Phone 713-743-8640
Email mysoliman [at] uh.edu
Dr. Soliman is the William C. Miller endowed professor. He is a distinguished member of SPE and a licensed professional engineer in Texas. He is also a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). He has authored and co-authored more than 250 technical papers and holds 35 patents. He is also editor of “Fracturing Horizontal Wells” published by McGraw Hill in July 2016. His areas of interest include well test analysis, diagnostic testing, fracturing and numerical simulation.
Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University
M.S., Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University
B.S., Petroleum Engineering, Cairo University
PETR 1111 — Introduction to Petroleum Engineering
PETR 5397 — Petroleum Well Completion and Stimulation
PETR 6372 — Petroleum Production Operation
PETR 6308 — Advanced Petro Production Operation
Selected Professional Activities/Honors
Distinguished Member of SPE
Fellow of National Academy of Inventors
Registered Professional Engineer in State of Texas
Gulf Coast 2020 Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty
Research Interests
Hydraulic fracturing of unconventional reservoirs
Waterless fracturing using shock waves
Analysis of fracturing propagation data
Analysis fracturing test
Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation
Selected Publications
- Machine learning augmented dead oil viscosity model for all oil types, U Sinha, B Dindoruk, M Soliman, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020.
- A Review on Factors Influencing the Rock Mechanics of the Gas Bearing Formations, A Rezaei, F Siddiqui, B Dindoruk, MY Soliman, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020.
- Characterization of adsorption isotherm and density profile in cylindrical nanopores: modeling and measurement, Y Pang, X Hu, S Wang, S Chen, MY Soliman, H Deng, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020.
- A global sensitivity analysis and reduced-order models for hydraulically fractured horizontal wells, A Rezaei, KB Nakshatrala, F Siddiqui, B Dindoruk…, Computational Geosciences, 2020.
- Pulsed Power Plasma to Enhance Near Wellbore Permeability and Improve Well Performance, A Rezaei, F Siddiqui, N Callen, P Gordon, W House, M. Soliman… - SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and …, 2020.
- Applications of the fast multipole fully coupled poroelastic displacement discontinuity method to hydraulic fracturing problems, A Rezaei, F Siddiqui, G Bornia, M Soliman, Journal of Computational Physics, 2019.
- Use of Wavelet Transform and Signal Processing Techniques for Inferring Interwell Connectivity in Waterflooding Operations, E Unal, F Siddiqui, A Rezaei, I Eltaleb, S Kabir, MY Soliman, B Dindoruk, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2019.
- On parameters affecting the propagation of hydraulic fractures from infill wells, A Rezaei, B Dindoruk, MY Soliman, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 182, 106255, 3, 2019.
- Eagle Ford Fluid Type Variation and Completion Optimization: A Case for Data Analytics, F Siddiqui*, A Rezaei, B Dindoruk, MY Soliman, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, 22-24 July, 2019.
- Design Aspects of Complex Toe-to-Heel Flooding, A Algarhy, M Soliman, A Turta, SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, 2019.
- Improving oil recovery from shale oil reservoirs using cyclic cold carbon dioxide injection–An experimental study, K Elwegaa, H Emadi, M Soliman, T Gamadi, M Elsharafi, Fuel 254, 115586, 6 2019.
- Investigating Gas-Adsorption, Stress-Dependence, and Non-Darcy-Flow Effects on Gas Storage and Transfer in Nanopores by Use of Simplified Local Density Model, Pang, Y., Soliman, M., Sheng, J., SPE Res Eval & Eng 21 (01): 73-95 SPE-187961-PA., 2018
- Diagnostic Testing and Analysis of Hydraulically Fractured Dual-Porosity Formations, Elwaziry, Y., Soliman M., SPE-189881-MS, 2018
- Sinha U., Dindoruk, B., and Soliman, M.Y., “Development of a new correlation to determine relative viscosity of heavy oils with varying asphaltene content and temperature,”( accepted for publication) Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018
- Estimation of Dead Oil Viscosity Utilizing Physics Based Correlative Principles and Predictive Machine Learning Techniques, U Sinha, B Dindoruk, M Soliman, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
- Elldakli, Fathi and Soliman, M. Y. Optimum design for new gas lift valve seat. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 149 (2017) 456 - 464.
- Al-Husain, H. M., Soliman, M. Y., & Stegent, N. A. (2017, January 16). Application of Moving Reference Point MRP Method to Cotton Valley and Travis Peak Sand Fracturing Treatments. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/184855-MS.
- Analysis of Effective Porosity and Effective Permeability in Shale-Gas Reservoirs with Consideration of Gas Adsorption and Stress Effects, Pang, Y., Soliman, M. Y., Deng, H., & Emadi, H, SPE Journal - Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2017. doi:10.2118/180260-PA.
- Experimental and analytical investigation of adsorption effects on shale gas transport in organic nanopores, Pang, Y., Soliman, M. Y., Deng, H., Elsvier Fuel 199, 2017, 272-288.
- Pulsed Power Plasma Stimulation Technique- Experimental Study on Single Pulse Test for Fracture Initiation, Yue Xiao, Waylon House, Ebru Unal, and Soliman, M. Y. , HFJ, Volume 4- Number 3, June 2017, pp 83 – 90.
- Pang, Y., Soliman, M. Y., & Sheng, J. (2016, August 1). Investigation of Adsorption Effects on Nanopores in Shale Gas Reservoir by Simplified Local-Density Model. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference.
- Rahim, Z., Al-Kanaan, A. A., Soliman, M. Y., & Pacheco, E. (2016, September 26). Evaluation of Transvers and Longitudinal Fractures Using Simulation and Well Deliverability Provides Optimal Completion Scenario for Improved Production in Gas Reservoirs. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/181280-MS.
- Siddiqui, F., Soliman, M. Y., House, W., & Ibragimov, A. (2016, 7). A New Analysis Technique for Interpreting Injection/Shut-in Tests. Hydraulic Fracturing Journal.
- Siddiqui, F., Soliman, M. Y., Waylon, H., & Akif, I. (2016, 1). Pre-Darcy Flow Revisited under Experimental Investigation. Journal of Analytical Science and Technology. doi:10.1186/s40543-015-0081-2.
- Alzahabi, A., El-Banbi, A., Trindade, A., & Soliman, M. 2016. A Regression Model for Estimation of Dew Point Pressure from Down-Hole Fluid Analyzer Data, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13202-016-0308-9.
- Pang, Y., Soliman, M. Y., Deng, H., & Emadi, H. (2016, May 5). Effect of Methane Adsorption on Stress-Dependent Porosity and Permeability in Shale Gas Reservoirs. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/180260-MS.
- Pirayesh, E., Soliman, M. Y., Rafiee, M., & Jamali, A. (2015, June 1). A New Method To Interpret Fracturing Pressure -- Application to Frac Pack. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/166132-PA.
- Sepehri, J., Soliman, M. Y., & Morse, S. M. (2015, February 3). Application of Extended Finite Element Method to Simulate Hydraulic Fracture Propagation from Oriented Perforations. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/173342-MS.
- Rezaei, A., Rafiee, M., Soliman, M., & Morse, S. (2015, November 13). Investigation of Sequential and Simultaneous Well Completion in Horizontal Wells using a Non-planar, Fully Coupled Hydraulic Fracture Simulator. American Rock Mechanics Association.
- Bazargan, M., Gudmundsson, A., Meredith, P., Inskip, N. F., Soliman, M., Habibpour, M., & Rezaee, A. (2015, November 13). Wellbore Instability During Plasma Torch Drilling in Geothermal Reservoirs. American Rock Mechanics Association.
- Rafiee, M., Rezaei, A., Soliman, M. Y., “Investigating Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Multi Well Pads”, Hydraulic Fracturing Journal April, 2015.
- Alzahabi, A., Soliman, M.Y., Bateman, R.M. et al. (2015) “Fracturability Index Maps for Fracture Placement in Shale Plays.” Hydraulic Fracturing Journal 2 (1).
- Pirayesh, E., Soliman, M., Rafiee, M., Jamali, A. (2014). A new method to interpret fracturing pressure. SPE Journal.
- Siddiqui, Fahd, Soliman, M. Y, House, W. A New Methodology for Analyzing Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow Tests PETROL2823. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (10 December, 2014), pp. 173-179 DOI information: 10.1016/j.petrol.2014.10.007.
- Soliman, M. (2014). Sequencing and Locating Fractures in Horizontal Wells in Shale Plays. HFJ, 1(4), 2.
- Soliman, M. Y, Wigwe, A. Alzahabi, E. Pirayesh, N. Stegent. 2014. Analysis of Fracturing Pressure Data in Heterogeneous Shale Formations. Volume 1 - Number 2, Hydraulic Fracturing Journal, April 2014, pp 8-13.
- Qahtani, G., Alzahabi, A., Spinner, T., Soliman, M. (2014). A Computational Comparison between Optimization Techniques for Wells Placement Problem: Mathematical Formulations, Genetic Algorithms and Very Fast Simulated Annealing. Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, 2, 59-73.
- Al-Najem, Abdullah, Pirayesh, E., Soliman, M. Y., & Siddiqui, S. (2013). Streamlines simulation of barrier fracture as a novel water shutoff technique. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology: 1-12. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13202-013-0068-8.
- M. Y. Soliman, Johan Daal, and Loyd East. 2012. Fracturing Unconventional Formations to Enhance Productivity. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering Invitational paper. 8 (2012) 52-67.
- M. Y. Soliman, and C. S. Kabir, 2012. Testing unconventional formations. J. of Petroleum Science & Engineering Invitational paper. 92-93 (2012) 102-109.
- Leopoldo Sierra, Loyd East, M.Y. Soliman, and David Kulakofsky. 2011 New Completion Methodology To Improve Oil Recovery and Minimize Water Intrusion in Reservoirs Subject to Water Injection, SPE Journal, September 2011.
- East, L. E., Soliman, M. Y., and Augustine, J. “Methods for Enhancing Far-Field Complexity in Fracturing Operations,” SPE 133380 presented at the 2010 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) to be held 19-22 September 2010 in Florence, Italy. August 2011 Production and Operations Journal.
- Soliman, M. Y., Miranda, C., Wang, Max, and Thornton, Kim “Investigation of Effect of Fracturing Fluid on After Closure Analysis in Gas Reservoirs” SPE 128016 presented at 2010 Africa Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Cairo, Egypt, 14–17 February 2010. SPE Production Operations Journal, February 2011.
- Soliman, M. Y., Miranda, C., and Wang, Max “After-Closure Analysis for Unconventional Reservoirs and Completion” SPE 124135, presented at 2009 SPE ATCE, New Orleans, LA., SPE Production Operations Journal, November 2010.
- Soliman, M. Y., East, Loyd, Adams, David: “Geomechanics Aspects of multiple Fracturing of Horizontal and Vertical Wells,” SPE Drilling and Completion, September 2008.
- Hong (Max) Wang, Mohamed Y. Soliman, Brian F. Towler, “Investigation of Factors for Strengthening a Wellbore by Propping Fractures” SPE Drilling & Completion Journal, June 2008, 168-175.
- Wang, Hong, Sweatman, R., Engelman, R., Deeg, W., Whitfill, D., Soliman, M. Y. and Towler, B. F., “Best Practices for Understanding and managing Lost Circulation Challenges,” SPE Drilling and Completion, June 2008.
- Improved Gas Lift Valve Performance Using a Modified Design for Gas Lift Valve Seat, Elldakli, F., Soliman, M., Shahri, M., Winkler, H., and Gamadi, T., SPE-171342-MS
Current Students
- Ibrahim Eltaleb
- M. Awad
- Fatmir Likframa
Previous Students