
Dr. Wong conducts research in areas of geomechanics, well integrity and containment, completions, sand management, multiphase flows, and well operations (bean-up and ramp-up) for both producers and injectors. He is a recipient of the SPE Distinguished Membership in 2015 and the SPE Gulf Coast Regional Completion Optimization and Technology Award in 2013. He has 17 years of R&D and 14 years of deepwater development and production experiences in the industry. Before joining UH, Dr. Wong worked as a Production Engineering Advisor and Principal Technical Expert in Sand Control and Sand Management at Shell E&P Company, USA.
Geomechanics - constitutive behavior of reservoir rocks, well Integrity and containment for injectors and producers
Sand control completion and sand management for injectors and producers
Well production operations: unloading, bean-up, ramp-up, and surveillance for injectors and producers
Multiphase flows and in-well monitoring
Hydraulic fracturing and in-situ stress measurements
Recent Grants:
- Alpha Wave Height with Light Weight Proppant - A Full Scale Experimental Program Study
- Injector Experiments in Sand Pack with 3-D Confining Stresses - Effects of Water Quality & Water Hammer on Injectivity
- Hydrocarbon Influx Behavior within a Deepwater Marine Riser - Implications for Design and Operations
- Horizontal Injectors: Stress Path and Hysteresis with Applications for Drilling and Production Surveillance
- Production Operations for Openhole Stand-Alone Screen Completions - A Proposal for the Development of a Ramp-up Surveillance Tool
Selected Publications
- Karaaslan, M., Wong, G. K., Soter, K. L., Hicking, S. H., and Yousif, M. (2020), A Well Flux Surveillance and Ramp-up Method for Openhole Stand-Alone Screen Completion, SPE-201662-MS, 2020 SPE-ATW.
- Luo, B., Wong, G. K. and Guo, J. (2020), Wellbore Integrity and Unloading Stress Path Analysis for Injectors with Filter Cake, ARMA 20-2088, 54th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
- Vipulanandan, C., Aldughather, A., Panda, G., and WOng, G. K. (2020), Real-Time Gas Leak Detection and Quantification Using Smart Cement, Paper IPTC-20248, International Petroleum Technology Conference, 13-15 January, 2020, Dhahran EXPO, Kingdom of Saudia Arabia
- Wong, G. K., Dudley, J.W., Golovin, E, Zhang, H. and Chudnovsky, A. (2017), Injector Completion Performance under Hydraulic Fracturing and Matrix Flooding Conditions into a Sand Pack, Paper ARMA 17-0705, 51st UD Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium held in San Francisco, Ca., USA, 25-28 June 2017.
- Wong, G. K. (2017), Geomechanics Challenges of Waterflood in Deepwater and Their Relevance to Subsurface Storage of Carbon Dioxide. Hydraulic Fracturing Journal, Volume 4 – Number 1, January 2017, page 86-90.
- Mao, Deming., Karanikas, John., Fair, Phillip S., Prodan, Ionut D., and Wong, George K., (2016), A Different Perspective on the Forchheimer and Ergun Equations,” 180920-PA SPE Journal Paper - 2016
- Tallin, A.G., Wong, G.K., and Han, Y., (2016), Analysis of Sand Screen Integrity in Depleting Sandstone Reservoir, paper SPE 179018-MS presented at the SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control, held in Lafayette, LA, 24-26 2016
- Chan, A.W., Ekbote, S., Hows, M.P., Wong, G.K., (2015), In Situ Stress Measurements during Well Abandonment, paper ARMA 15-843 presented at the 49th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium held in San Francisco, CA, USA, 28 June- 1 July 2015.
- Chudnovsky, A., Shulkin, Y., Golovin, E., Zhang, H., Dudley, J.W., and Wong, G.K., (2015), Observation and Modeling of Fluid Flow under Matrix and Fracturing Injections in Unconsolidated Sand, paper ARMA 15-411 presented at the 49th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium held in San Francisco, CA, USA, 28 June- 1 July 2015.
- Zhang, Haiying., Chudnovsky, A., Wong, George., and Dudley, J.W., (2013) “Statistical Aspects of Microheterogeneous Rock Fracture: Observations and Modeling,” Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Springer, ISSN 0723-2632, February, 2013.
- Chudnovsky, A., Zhang, H., Wong, G.K., and Dudley, J.W., (2012), Scaling Problem in Heterogeneous Rock Fracture, paper ARMA 12-444 presented at the 46th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium held in Chicago, IL, USA, 24-27 June 2012.
- Golovin, E., Chudnovsky, A., Dudley, J.W., and Wong, G.K., (2011), Injection Rate Effects on Waterflooding Mechanisms and Injectivity in Cohesionless Sand, paper ARMA 11-165 presented at the 45nd US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium held in San Francisco, CA June 26-29, 2011.
- Jasarevic, H., Golovin, E., Chudnovsky, A., Dudley, J.W., and Wong, G.K., (2010), Observation and Modeling of Hydraulic Fracture Initiation in Cohesionless Sand, paper ARMA 10-360 presented at the 44nd US Rock Mechanics Symposium, held in Salt Lake City, UT June 27-30, 2010.
- Geilikman, M.B., Dria, D.E., Stewart, D.R., and Wong, G.K., (2005), Bean-up Guidelines for Sand Control Completions, paper SPE 95870 presented at the 2005 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, held in Dallas, Texas, 9-12 October 2005.
- Wong, G.K., Fair, P.S., Bland, K.F., and Sherwood, R.S., (2003), Balancing Act: Gulf of Mexico Sand Control Completions, Peak Rate Versus Risk of Sand Control Failure, paper SPE 84497 presented at the 2003 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, held in Denver, Colorado, 5-8 October 2003.
- Nuller, B., Ryvkin, M., Dudley, J.W., Wong, G.K., and Chudnovsky, A., (2001), “Crack Interaction with an Interface in Laminated Elastic Media,” Rock Mechanics in the National Interest, Elsworth, Tinucci & Heasley (eds), Swets & Zeitling Lisse, October., pp 289-296.
- Wong, G.K., Fors, R.R., Casassa, J.S., Hite, R.H., and Shlyapobersky, J., (1993), “Design, Execution, and Evaluation of Frac and Pack (F&P) Treatments in Unconsolidated Sand Formations in the Gulf of Mexico,” paper SPE 26563 presented at the 68th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, held in Houston, Texas, 3-6 October.
- Sabyasachi Prakash (PhD)
- Ahmed ALDughather (PhD)
- Xuejia Du (PhD)
- Bo Luo (PhD)
- Michael Effiong (PhD)