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A pair of Petroleum Engineering students from the University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering took home first place honors from the 61st annual Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts International Student…
Two UH students take 1st place at SPWLA International Contest
Projects Focus on Ways to Speed Transition to Low-Carbon Future The Center for Carbon Management in Energy at the University of Houston has awarded $275,000 in research funding for projects focused on carbon management and the…
UH Announces Funding for Carbon Management Projects
The Reservoir Engineering Discipline Leadership at ExxonMobil, one of the world’s largest publicly traded energy providers, has awarded Cullen College of Engineering student Michael Effiong the Advanced Skill Milestone (ASM) in…
Ph.D. candidate Effiong honored with ExxonMobil award
Despite the unique ending to the spring 2020 semester, the year turned out to have a silver lining for at least one energy-related student chapter at the University of Houston. The UH Society of Petroleum Engineers (UH SPE) was…
UH Society of Petroleum Engineers Wins Student Chapter Excellence Award
Dr. Mohamed Soliman, the William C. Miller endowed chair professor and the Department Chairman of Petroleum Engineering, has been selected for the Regional Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty for the…
Soliman honored with SPE Regional Distinguished Achievement Award
As the coronavirus spread throughout the United States, one Cullen College of Engineering alum felt compelled to act and to support the university that helped him. GQ Guo graduated from the college with a Master's in Petroleum…
Petroleum Engineering alumnus donates masks to UH
The Cullen College of Engineering has set a new record for its six-year graduation rate, hitting a mark of 71.2 percent for students that began in Fall 2014, according to new information released by the department's Division of…
Cullen College of Engineering posts new 6-Year graduation high mark
Dr. Pushpesh Sharma, a May 2019 graduate from the University of Houston's chemical engineering and petroleum engineering programs, has earned distinction for his work as a doctoral student and with the start-up Inveniam Asset…
Petroleum Engineering alum named as one of TWA's Energy Influencers
On Tuesday, March 17, U.S. News & World Report released its updated 2021 rankings of best graduate engineering programs in the country. The UH Cullen College of Engineering has increased once again and is now rated No. 67.…
Cullen College Listed Among Best Engineering Graduate Schools of 2021
Nhung Nguyen, a junior majoring in petroleum engineering at the UH Cullen College of Engineering, is one of 100 students chosen from around the world to attend the Education Week program of the 2020 International Petroleum…
UH Petroleum Engineering Student Selected to Attend IPTC 2020
Engineering students address needs in the UH and Houston communities It’s the season of giving, and students who are enrolled in the UH Cullen College of Engineering’s Program for Mastery in Engineering Studies (PROMES) are…
UH PROMES Scholars Give Back This Holiday Season
The American Society of Indian Engineers and Architects (ASIE) awarded seven of their 22 engineering scholarships this year to students attending the UH Cullen College of Engineering. The selected undergraduate and graduate…
Seven UH Engineering Students Win 2019 ASIE Scholarships
Klotz views engineering as a 'license to change the world.' Houston civil engineer and UH Cullen College of Engineering alumnus D. Wayne Klotz (MSCE ’76) was named the keynote speaker for the college’s fall 2019 commencement on…
Distinguished Alumnus Wayne Klotz To Speak At Fall 2019 UH Cullen College Commencement
Forbes, a renowned business publication, has selected seven UH Cullen College of Engineering students to participate in its 2019 Under 30 Scholars program. Last year only one engineering student, Ayoola John-Muyiwa (BSPetE ’19),…
Record Number of Cullen College Engineering Students Attend 2019 Forbes Under 30 Summit
The Energy Coalition, a collaborative University of Houston student organization, is hosting the 2019 Energy Night on Monday, November 4, at the Student Center. The event will bring in leading experts who can share insights and…
Energy Industry Experts to Visit UH Campus for 2019 Energy Night
The UH petroleum engineering department joined more than 6,000 oil and gas professionals at the BMO Centre in Calgary, Alberta for the 2019 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) on September 30- October 2. The…
UH Petroleum Department Attends 2019 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition
Jerrod Henderson Recognized for Diversity and Student Success Efforts Jerrod Henderson, instructional associate professor at the UH Cullen College of Engineering, will receive the 2019 Outstanding Young Alumni Award from his alma…
Cullen College Professor Wins Outstanding Young Alumni Award
The UH Cullen College of Engineering is kicking off the 2019-2020 academic year by welcoming seven new faculty members to its teaching and research rosters. They bring expertise in a wide variety of fields ranging from…
The UH Cullen College of Engineering Welcomes Seven New Faculty Members
The Engineering Alumni Association (EAA) held its annual meeting on August 22nd at Saint Arnold’s Brewery. This annual event furthers the EAA’s mission of championing, supporting and uniting the Cullen College’s students, faculty…
Photos: Engineering Alumni Association Hosts 2019 Annual Meeting
Assistant Dean, National Academy of Engineering Member In the Spotlight The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) recognized two UH Cullen College of Engineering faculty members with major international awards. Phaneendra Kondapi…
UH Engineering Faculty Earn International Recognition From Society of Petroleum Engineers