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Fracturing horizontal wells has had a profound impact on the U.S. oil and gas industry over the past 25 years, allowing production from fields once considered too marginal to produce. A new book, “Fracturing Horizontal Wells,”…
New Book Offers Comprehensive Look at Fracturing Horizontal Wells
Each year, the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), an international society with more than 168,000 members, recognizes the best of the best in its international awards program. This year, three Cullen College faculty members…
Society of Petroleum Engineers Picks Three of the Best from Cullen College
The University of Houston has recruited three renowned researchers working in the energy field – two members of the National Academy of Engineering and one member of the National Academy of Sciences – as part of the Governor’s…
Three Renowned Energy Researchers Join University of Houston
Marathon Oil recently gifted a model Alvheim floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) ship to the petroleum engineering department at the UH Cullen College of Engineering. Last year, the energy giant put out an open…
Marathon Oil Donates $35K Model Ship to the Cullen College
With help from a UH petroleum engineering professor, a technology originally developed by the oil and gas industry to extract residual oil from reservoirs is now being applied to clean up the site of an underground fuel leak in…
UH Petroleum Engineer Applies Oil Recovery Technology to Clean Up Leaked Jet Fuel Site in Denmark
The UH Cullen College of Engineering is well on its way to becoming a Top 50 engineering college in the nation, earning a coveted spot on the list of the Best Engineering Schools of 2017 by U.S. News and World Report. The Cullen…
UH Engineering Climbs U.S. News Rankings, Earns Spot on List of Nation's Best Schools
With plans to capture the power of Houston’s sun and reuse its abundant rainfall, a group of University of Houston students has completed the first phase of an ambitious project to rethink affordable housing and energy efficiency…
UH Students Design Energy Efficient, Affordable Homes
The Cullen College of Engineering is proud to recognize its outstanding students of the 2015-2016 year. With an enrollment of more than 3,000 hard-working and dedicated undergraduate students, finding ways to shine among a sea of…
Cullen College Names 2016 Outstanding Students recently featured a blog post written by the Cullen College’s William C. Miller Endowed Chair Professor of Petroleum Engineering and UH Energy Fellow, Christine Ehlig-Economides. She is the third UH Energy… Features UH Professor’s Op-Ed on Developing Unconventional Energy Resources
On Friday, December 4, the UH Cullen College of Engineering hosted a reception celebrating the newly-approved Department of the Petroleum Engineering. Faculty, staff, students, alumni and industry professionals gathered at the…
PHOTOS: Petroleum Engineering Department Reception
Earlier this month, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board approved the establishment of the Department of Petroleum Engineering within the UH Cullen College of Engineering. “Department status will enhance our national…
THECB Approves Petroleum Engineering Department at UH
A whopping 13 percent of Texas teens who took the 2015 SAT test indicated that they intended to study engineering in college. Engineering was listed as the second-most popular career choice for Texas teens — 22 percent of…
More Texas Teens Want to be Engineers When They Grow Up
The Office of Undergraduate Research’s 11th annual Undergraduate Research Day took place on Thursday, October 22nd in the Rockwell Pavilion, M.D. Anderson Library and the Honors College. At the event, over 175 undergraduate…
PHOTOS: 2015 Undergraduate Research Day
The University of Houston’s petroleum engineering and biomedical engineering programs – the two newest for the Cullen College of Engineering – have been accredited by the Accrediting Board for Engineering Technology, or ABET,…
UH Biomedical, Petroleum Engineering Undergrad Programs Earn Accreditation
The University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering’s B.S. degree program in petroleum engineering has been accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, the global accreditor of college and university…
Petroleum Engineering Undergraduate Program Receives ABET Accreditation
A combination of nine university professors and industry professionals is joining the Cullen College of Engineering faculty at the University of Houston this semester. The majority are biomedical engineers with expertise ranging…
Cullen College Welcomes Nine Engineering Professors
The 2015 Research & Innovation magazine exemplifies the University of Houston’s revolutionary scientific discoveries, scholarship and ingenuity. In this issue you will read about UH researchers’ cutting-edge approaches to…
UH Research & Innovation Magazine Now Available
UH Cullen College of Engineering professors are known for offering undergraduate students unique opportunities to get involved in high-level research projects. One such opportunity is available through the National Science…
UH Engineering Professors Offer Unique Research Experiences to Undergrads
Beginning this Fall, San Jacinto College students will be eligible for a seamless transfer into the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering. San Jacinto College has signed an articulation agreement with the University…
Engineering Students Now Have Seamless Transfer Option With UH
Engineering and computer science professions attract fewer women than other STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields in the United States. For more than a decade, professors at the UH Cullen College of…
G.R.A.D.E. Camp Redefines STEM Field Roles