Dr. George Wong
Well Drilling & Completion Flow Loop

30’ Long: 5 x 6’ sections
- Vertical to Horizontal
- 4”, 6”, 8” Acrylic borehole sections
- Combination of different sections: (sizes, perforation, injection and production)
- Gas, water, and Sand Slurry
- Axial, Concentric & Radial Flows
- Drilling:
- Marine Riser: Gas kick detection
- Cutting transport
- Completion:
- Gravel pack, proppant transport
- ICD & cross flows
- Production:
- Destabilization of annular pack
- Unloading & ramp-up
- Multi-phase flow from multiple zones
- Subsea:
- Flow assurance
- Multiphase flow (Hz, deviated and vertical)
Wellbore Production/Injection Flow Loop

24’ in length
- Vertical to Horizontal
- 2” diameter pre-drilled pipe
- Controlled Radial Inflow or Outflow along
- 20 stations of 1 ft segment
- Multiphase flow: water & air (density & viscosity effects)
- Controlled rate, mass & temperature for each station
- Measurements of pressure, temperature, and rate
- Can perform Co-current & Counter-current flow tests

- Tubular friction with radial flow (non slip BC)
- Production logging (DTS & DAS Calibration)
- Wellbore sensor calibrations (rate, chemical, temperature, pressure)