Are you planning to attend graduate school in the United Kingdom? If yes, there are nationally competitive scholarships available that support graduate study within the United Kingdom. Competitive candidates for these awards should demonstrate academic excellence, strength in leadership, and a commitment to giving back to others and making a difference in their field of study.
- Rhodes Scholarship, 32 students are selected nationwide each year to study at the University of Oxford for graduate study in any field,
- Marshall Scholarship, Up to 40 students are selected nationwide each year to study at an institution in the UK for graduate study in any field,
- Gates Cambridge Scholarship, Students from countries outside the UK are selected each year to study at the University of Cambridge for graduate study in any field,
- Mitchell Scholarship, Up to 12 students are chosen annually for one year of graduate study in any institution in Ireland, CLICK HERE
After reviewing the information online for these awards, if you believe you would be a strong candidate, please email long [at] (Stuart Long), or kweber [at] (Karen Weber) to schedule a time to meet.